DIY | Date Night

Thanks for stopping by again! We are glad to announce!

It's been a work in progress, but this will be a great way to stay in touch with everyone by posting more frequent projects & updates.

In this post, we thought we could share some cheap and easy date night ideas!
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#1) Game of darts!

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Darts is one of our favorite games to play together, seeing we are both incredibly competitive!

The actual dart board and darts can be purchased for under $40 at any major retailer.
The casing that the dartboard and darts are stored in was made using scrap pallet wood.
Possibly an idea for a project together on the weekend if you have couple hours.
We located the dimensions online, however feel free to design the enclosure however you wish!
There are tons of different game variations, so find one that suits your skill & patience level :)

#2) Work Out or just go running together!
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Wouldn't you agree that staying motivated is much easier with your partner doing it with you?

Our favorites include T25 & Insanity, but even a walk around the neighborhood is good for the body & relationship.
In a world of so many distractions, its quality time to spend with the one you love while staying healthy!

#3) Play a few rounds of your favorite video game

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We went out and bought a used N64 system for $40, one we both grew up playing.
Be sure that you're BOTH playing a game you enjoy, for us it's a toss up between Goldeneye & WCW vs NWO Raw!
We're frugal, so buying used video game consoles is the way we go! Keep your eyes open for good deals, buying
one of these systems for a creative date night is still cheaper than going out!

#4) Cook a meal together

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A great idea is to Google recipes for your favorite restaurant's meals, then cook them yourself with healthy ingredients.
Experiment by substituting ingredients, such as greek yogurt instead of sour cream, or well seasoned turkey rather than beef.
If both of you contribute to the meal, prep time is shortened and it's another great time to talk and enjoy each other's company.

#5) Rent a DVD or stream from Netflix!

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Nothing against movie theaters, but we both agree watching a movie is more personal at home.
It's much more affordable & allows you to have conversation, something you shouldn't do at the box office ;)

#6) Play an interactive game!

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If you both have a smart phone or tablet, download a game that can be played over wifi against one another.
We LOVE Jeopardy, so that's our nerdy game of choice!
If you want more competition, play for chore responsibilities! Just be sure you're playing a game that
both of you enjoy & share the same skill level. No one likes getting whooped over and over again!


That's just a few of our ideas, but would love to hear more from you!
Thanks for checking out our new blog,
we'll have many more projects coming soon so keep coming back!

Love in the details,



  1. Love the website, and love your channel. keep up the good work, i'm also studying law in Atlanta at Emory so i love seeing fellow Atlantians holding it down.

  2. You guys are so cute and crafty!

  3. Haha thanks girl! The support is always appreciated and uplifting each other should be more common! ;-) Good luck with your degree! Dustin secretly wants to be a lawyer in another life, haha
